Do you want to know about men’s grooming? or are you finding a proper men’s grooming guide? If you are searching on google for grooming tips for men then you are in the right place. So make yourself look presentable and follow these grooming tips for men.
Presenting: 30 easy Grooming Tips for Men all men should adopt.
1. Become a regular at your barbers
Get into the habit of regular stays in the barber’s chair: if you’ve noticed your hair needs a trim, then others have too.
2. Take care of your skin
If women can do it, why can’t we? It shows that you care about your image and after 20 years your skin will be better than most men your age.
3. Practice proper hygiene
Shower daily, brush and floss your teeth twice a day.
4. Workout regularly
A good body can go a long way. It grabs the attention of the people around you and you will be physically fit as well. here
5. Shave like an expert
This not only applies to your face, but to other parts of your body too. Crazy back hair is a huge turn-off for a lot of people. If you do sport a beard, keep it well-trimmed.
6. Avoid bad breath
No one wants to kiss a guy with bad breath. Carry mints along in case of such emergencies. Chew gums after every meal to remove stains on your teeth.
7. Get rid of the uni-brow
Uni-brows are not very attractive, so if you have one, use a good pair of tweezers and pull out the hairs connecting your eyebrows. It will look neater.
8. Wear fitted clothes
This is key. A good-looking guy with sharp features could be overlooked if he wears clothes that don’t fit him well.
9. Nail your hand-care routine
Trim your fingernails and toenails. Make sure no dirt is under them. A dirty pair of hands leaves a very bad first impression.
10. Change your hairstyle
If you’ve been sporting the same hairstyle for the past ten years, it’s time to look into some new trendy hairstyles. Try them out!
11. Stand up straight
Don’t slouch. A man with a good posture looks confident.
12. Make sure you smell nice
Use deodorant. For underarms, a roll-on is advised. As for cologne, don’t wear too much of it.
13. Eat well
Don’t eat a lot of junk food. Maintain a balanced diet that will benefit your health and your figure.
14. Polish your shoes
If they are funky, then see to it that they are once again in a good condition.
15. Drink occasionally
If you smoke or drink at all, do so only occasionally. However, it’s better if you don’t drink or smoke.
16. Wear different style of clothing
Try different styles of clothing. See what’s best for you. if you are want to about how to become a real man. here
17. Use a firm handshake
When shaking hands with someone, look him or her in the eye and have a smile on your face. This leaves a great first impression.
18. Be systematic
Don’t be shabby in your work or look. Take good care of your face and body and keep your desk clean.
19. Clear out your wallet
Don’t fill your wallet up with receipts, coupons, credit cards, etc. Keep only the things that are necessary. Check if your wallet is wearing out. If it is, it’s time to get a new one.
20. Sleep well
Get about 8-10 hours of sleep daily. This will keep you fresh and reduces the chance of dark circles under your eyes.
21. Shower everyday
Take a bath every day, twice if it’s hot, and wear antiperspirant or deodorant to keep smelling fresh. Note that you can’t mask bad hygiene with deodorant though.
22. Use best products
Use lotions and sunscreens designed for men to take care of their skin; softer skin is touched more often.
23. Maintain Your dental higiene
Brush your teeth regularly and invest in breath sprays or mints when you are leaving the house and eating out.
24. Take care of your feet
Taking care of your feet and nails is also important, particularly considering the hot Indian weather you may want to wear flip-flops more often. Invest in a spa day to have them professionally groomed, and the same goes for your hands.
- Even if you don’t go to a spa, however, there is no excuse for dirty and unkempt feet.
Dry your feet properly after showers to avoid athlete’s foot and smelly feet when you take off shoes. - Wear absorbent cotton socks.
25. Shave the hair away
Hair in the nostrils, ears, wild chest hair, and the unibrow is completely faux pas. Now, we’re not suggesting that you wax every part of your body. The key is to keep things in check.
- Trim your eyebrows regularly and schedule an appointment to get that back hair removed.
- Trim your armpits and pubic region every so often before you take a bath. As for hair in the nose and ears, those should be removed completely, permanently if you can.
26. Find your signature scent
Too much cologne is just as repugnant as body odor. You don’t have to use the whole bottle to smell amazing. Douse just a little in all the pulse places (throat and wrists) and the mission is accomplished. This is particularly true of the heavier and more long-lasting scents.
27. Keep abreast with the world of fashion
There are many men’s magazines on Indian fashion and what looks great on the modern Indian man: read them. You’ll earn extra points for knowing what is in Vogue and keeping with it.
28. Be selective
Take extra care on your choice of watch, belt, and shoes – those are the marks of true style in a man. Of course, you can always infuse your personal style into how you dress, and you don’t have to break a leg in keeping up.
- Ensure you are not stuck in the same duds you were wearing five years ago.
- Make sure that you always wear clean and well-pressed clothes.
29. Keep clean hair
Just because you are a man doesn’t mean you should leave your hair dirty and flying around all over the place. Get regular haircuts and use good hair products to keep it clean, moisturized, and glossy. Shampoo twice or three times a week and rinse properly, particularly if you use styling products.
30. Develop confidence
The well-groomed Indian man must be self-assured and confident. Stand up and walk straight, shoulders back and chest out. Have a firm grip on your handshakes and speak clearly and with authority. here
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